SOS Tartarugas works in Cape Verde protecting nesting loggerheads turtles (Caretta caretta) and their habitat. Cape Verde is the third most important nesting area for loggerheads in the world. Turtles are at risk from hunting for meat, stealing of eggs, removal of sand for building and unregulated tourism development. Our email is
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Monday, July 2, 2012

First nest of the season! / Primero ninho de 2012!

It was a long time coming, but finally the first nest was laid on Sal on Saturday 30th June on the northern part of Algodoeiro.

Amanda with the very first egg
Amanda & Nick had only just started their patrol when they came across a the tracks.  Fortunately for us, it was a perfect example of a loggerhead nest.  Clear up and down tracks and a straightforward body pit.

Unfortunately we could not leave the nest in its original position because it would have been at risk from the strong lights of Paradise Beach and Melia Tortuga Beach.  When the nest hatched, the hatchlings would become disorientated and head inland instead of into the sea.  

An explanation of how to dig a nest like a turtle
Amanda had the honour of looking for the egg chamber in preparation for moving it to the hatchery.  Despite her nerves, she found it really easily and the team all helped with the transfer.  The turtle had laid 123 eggs which is a bit higher than our average of 80-100.

For our team as well as for all the excited visitors to the hatchery, it was a very emotional and exciting day.  Now Abigail and Yasmin are the proud parents of Nest 1 of the 2012 season and we will all be waiting impatiently for it to hatch around the 23rd August.

You can see some more photos here.

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